Soal Ulangan - sahabat soal ulangan berikut kami sajikan contoh SOAL USBN SMA/MA BAHASA INGGRIS Kurtilas. ada versi wordnya juga. sumonggo

In this section of the test, you will have the opportunity to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Part I. Questions 1 to 4.
In this part of this test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. Thequestions and the dialoges will be repeated twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so please listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to a dialogue and question, read the five possible answers then decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Man       : I don’t know what to order. I could drink everything on the menu.
Woman : Why don’t you try guava juice, orang juice or ice tea?
Man       : Guava juice sounds good.
Woman : I think I’ll have a big glass of cola float.
Narrator: What will the woman order?
a.       Guava juice                                d. Cola float
b.      Orange juice                               e. Mineral water
c.       Ice tea
The best answer to the question is “ cola float”. Therefore, you should choose answer (d )
a. She has a high fever.
b. Her daughter is sick.
c. She needs treatment.
d. Her daughter is away.
e. Her daughter is hospitalised.


a. He bought an exclusive apartment.
b. He won a scale model competition.
c. He participated in a prestigious contest.
d. He received an apartement as the first prise.
e. He create a great apartement scale model.

a. Entertain the guests.                          d. Celebrate the girl`s sister`s party
b. Welcome the guests.                          e. Help the girl prepare for the party
c. Decorate the party room 

4.      .
a. Renting a kios
b. Building a kios
c. Working in a bakery
d. Opening a bakery
e. Developing cooking skills

PART II.Question  5 to7.
In this part of the test, you will hear incomplete dialogues, in English, folowed by four responses. The dialogues and responses will be repeated twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speskers are saying. Choose the best response to each question. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Woman : you arrived late again?
Boy       : I’m sorry Ma’am. The bus left before I arrived at the shelter.
Woman : But you promised that you wouldn’t be late again.
Boy       :  ......................
Narrator : How will the boy probably respond?
a.       I’m sorry to hear that.
b.      I really appreciate it.
c.       I do apologize Ma’am.
d.      No problem Ma’am

The best answer to the question is “I do apologize Ma’am”.Therefore, you should choose answer (d )

5.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet
6.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet
7.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet

PART III. Question 8 to 11.
In this part of the test, you will hear dialogues or monologues, in English. The dialogues or monologues will be repeated twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so please listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to a dialogeu or monologue, look at the five picture provided in your test book, then decide which one would be the most suitable for the dialoge or monologue you have heard.


















8.           .

9.           .

PART IV. Question 12 to 15.
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be repeated twice.They will not be printed in your test book, so please listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying
Afteryou listen to the monologue and the questions, read the five posible answers, then decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

10.  .

a. Mood boosters.
b. The simple habit.
c. The benefits of a nap.
d. Recharging energy.
e. Having enough sleep.

11.  .

a. Decerease the mood.
b. Feel more energized.
c. Make the body weak.
d. Increase the blood preasure.
e. Having risk of heart desease.

12.  .

a. A cheating milkman.
b. A greedy milkman.
c. A deserved price
d. A poor milkman.
e. A haunted river.

13.  .

a. We must always be polite.
b. Never curse what people do.
c. Every deed will definately be rewarded.
d. Do what we can do our best and be helpfull.
e. Never underestimate what people do.


Text 1. This text is for questions 16 to 17

Based on the meeting of board of Commissioners
dated 2nd september 2017, we hereby announce
the structural change in the Board of Directors.

Approving the retirement letter of Mr. Ahmad Harry Wiryawan,
the President Director, dated 16th August 2017 and
appointing Mrs. Nadira Rosita, the Vice Director, to become President Director and
appointing Mr. Yudi Setyawan as Vice Director.
It will be effective since 4th September 2017.

It is expected that the change will make our company grow bigger and
bring our products as the leading

Surabaya, 4th September 2017
PT Berkah Abadi

14.  What is the objective of the text?
a.       To inform the new Vice Precident.
b.      To inform the new Precident Director.
c.       To inform the retirement of the Precident Director
d.      To announce the products of the company
e.       To announce the change of the company management

15.  Why was the position of Mr. Ahmad Harry Wiryawan replace?
a.       He was fired from the company
b.      He pensioned off from the company
c.       He become one of the commissioners
d.      He was promoted to the higer position
e.       He led the new subsidiary of the company

Text 2. This text is for questions 18ato 19
TO: Jassica Maulana (bright member)
FROM: Mr. Burhan ( The Manager)
DATE: 20 May 2017
SUBJECT: Invitation

Good news for the bright members!
You are cordially invited to the launch of bright`s International beauty products.
Let`s celebrate its success and learn more about its products.
Tuesday, 28th March 2017
10:00 a.m.
At the hall of PT Brighter Lives
Jl. Cempaka no.58 Surabaya.

Get free souvenirs for the first fifty guest!
Free beauty consultation with beautucians!

16.  What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To inform someone about the launch of bright`s international beauty produts.
b.      To invite someone to attend the launch of bright`s international beauty produts.
c.       To forbid someone to come to the launch of bright`s international beauty produts.
d.      To remind someone to celebrate the launch of bright`s international beauty produts.
e.       To give information to the launch of bright`s international beauty produts.

17.  What can we inferred from the text?

a. The even held in the afternoon.
b. The company sells local products
c. All guests will recieves souvenirs
d. The company lauches its new products
e. Thhe first guest deserve foe free beauty consultation

Text 3. This text is for questions 20 to 21
Semarang, 17 July 2017

Dear Sir,
I regret to tell you that I am going to resign from this company. I have to stay with my husband abroad. He is accepted by an advertising company in the United states. I also plan to develop my career there. This apportunity give me a change to grow profesionally and will allow us to relocate just a few miles for our families and relatives.
Actually this is was not an easu decision to make. The past five years have been very rewarding. I have had many working experiences so far. What I like about working here is the atmosphere. All staf are friendly and the team is very solid. Perhaps I will not find similar condition in my next work, but it`s chalenge. I must adapt different culture.
Again, I thank you for the time that I have spent at your company. I wish you and the company all the best.

Your sincerely
Fitria Naufal

18.  Whydid Fitria write the letter?
a.       To apply for a job in the company
b.      To relate her working experience for five years.
c.       To show his career development in United States.
d.      To prevent a person from retirement.
e.       To inform his manager about her resignation.

19.  ‘‘I regret to tell you that I am going to resign from this company.‘‘ What does the underline word mean?

a. Stop working from the company.
b. Start working in the new company.
c. Have a long holiday with his husband.
d. Have a furlough by hersels.
e. Continue working for good salary.

Text 4. This text is for questions 22 to 23
Jalan Tentara Pelajar no. 33

30th January 2018
Personnel Manager Modern Company
Jalan Balaikambang Jaya

Dear sir or Madam

I am honoured to apply for the accountant position, advertised by your company`s website on 24 January 2018. I am a resh graduate of Bachelor of Economics with a major in Accounting. I am seeking the opportunity to implement my knowlwdge and skills to contribute to your company.
Although I am a fresh graduate, I have developed my skills and qualities through study and internship. Through internships I have experience for real work at companies. I have the ability to work under pressure and as a team member. You will find me to be positive, motivated and hard working, keen to learn and contributable. I believe that with my positive attitude and strong work ethic, I would be very sutable for the advertised position.
           I enclose my resume and copies of my certificates for your onsideration.
It will be appreciated if you can give me the time and change to have a test or interview. I would gladly give you any further information you may require. Thank you for your attention.

Your faithfully,
Candra Hanifa

20.  The applicant gained work experience through......
a.       Her internships
b.      Her previous career
c.       His business
d.      His studies
e.       An activity

21.  From the text above, we know that the applicant......

a. Sends an application letter with resume, anly
b. Has work experience as an accountant
c. Would like to be considered
d. Graduated from Management Department
e. Knows about the job vacancy from a newspaper

Text 5. This text is for questions 24 to 25
1.      Let`s make Balado Eggs.
2.      Prepare the ingredients: 5 chicken eggs, 2 tablespoons oil, 3 chopped onion, 2 chopped cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon sambal ulek, 2 tablespoons tomato paste and salt.
3.      Boil the eggs for about 12 minutes, rinse them in cold water and peel them.
4.      Fry this mixture in the oil and fry the eggs briefly with it
5.      Rub together with the chopped onions, garlic, tomato paste and salt.
6.      After 2 to 3 minutes take the eggs out of the mixture, cut them and fry them quickly.
7.      Serve them in a dish with the flat or curved side up and cover with the sauce mixture.

22.  What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To tellhow to make Balado Eggs by steps.
b.      To describe about how to make Balado Eggs.
c.       To explain about how to make Balado Eggs.
d.      To discuss about how to make Balado Eggs.
e.       To inform about to serve Balado Eggs.

23.  Here are the ingredients that should be prepared to make Balado Eggs EXCEPT...

a. Chicken eggs.
b. Some oil.
c. 3 chooped Onion.
d. Garlic and tomato.
e. Two tablespoons.

Text6. This text is for questions 26 to 27

Gabriel Fahrenheit was born in Danzig, now Gdansk, Poland. Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686 – 1736) went to Holland at an early age to study physics and instrument making. After completing his studies, he settled there as a maker of meteorological instrument and spent a great deal of his time working  with  thermometers, tying to improve their standard. In 1709, he developed the alcohol-filed thermometer which he made more accurate five years later by replacing the alcohol with mercury.
 Fahrenheit also devised a new temperature scale based on fixed points that he had observed; the temperature of melting ice at 320F and the normal temperature of the human body at 960F (later corrected to 98.60F). He found that water boiled at 2120F according to his scale and this later became the fixed upper point of the Fahrenheit thermometer. The Fahrenheit temperature scale was in common use in English speaking countries for many years until the 1960s; Most of these countries, with the exception of the United States have now changed to the more convenient and widespread Celsius (centigrade) scale.                                                                                                  

(Adapted from Encyclopedia)

24.  The statements below are suitable with the text except.....
A.    Fahrenheit was a Poland. He was born in Danzig.
B.     Fahrenheit studied physicsan instrument making.
C.     Fahrenheit developed a thermometer with alcohol filled in 1709.
D.    The Fahrenheit temperature scale was in common use in English speaking country until the 1960s.
E.     The Fahrenheit was more popular than Celcius.

25.  The main idea of the first paragraph is ….
A.    The Biography of Fahrenheit
B.     The instrument making
C.     The replacement of alcohol with mercury
D.    Improvement of thermometer standard
E.     The development of alcohol filled thermometer.

Text 7. This text is for questions 31 to 32
Once upon a time there was a man who liked hunting very much. He often went to the forest to hunt any animal he met.
One day he went hunting into the forest. He intended to shoot any animal he saw. He brought his gun with him. When he was searching for his pre, suddenly he saw a bird perching on a branch of a tree. It was a dove. When he was aiming his gun at the dove, suddenly an ant came and bit his foot. He was so startled that he didn’t shoot the dove. It was safe and then flew away.
Several days later, the dove was flying over a lake. He saw an ant floating on the surface of the water. It was the ant that had saved the dove’s life from the hunter. The ant was almost drowned. The dove got an idea, he picked up a big leaf and dropped it onto the surface of the water near the ant. Luckily the ant could get on the leaf.
The ant tried to bring the leaf to the edge of the lake and landed on the ground. The ant was safe because the dove helped him.

26.  What did the dove do to present his regard to help the ant?
a.       By hunting in the lake near forest and brought a gun
b.      By floating his body in the lake to help the drowned ant
c.       By perching on the branch of the tree, so the ant could hear him
d.      By droping a big leaf on to surface of the water near the ant
e.       By searching his pre in the near of the forest

27.  What is the moral value of the story?
a.       The good will be helped by small
b.      Don’t like to hunt any animal in the forest
c.       The ant is saved by the dove by floating a leaf
d.      The dove is saved by the ant by bitting the hunter
e.       Somebody who like to help will be helped by others

Text 8. This text is for questions 30 to 32
                Much of what we throw away could be reused. Recycling puts garbage to good use. Recycling helps preserve precious resources because it saved on the use on raw materials and energy. It also reduces pollution caused when waste is dumped.
                Glass can be remolded. This is better than making fresh glass from raw materials, but it is even better to reuse bottles and jars. Metals can be recycled by being remolded and reused. Metals such as alumunium from tins and cans which are part of household waste can be recycled. Scraps from cars provided a source of metals for recycling.
             Paper is easy to recycle. Every home and office should should have a paper recycling routine. Plastics are the worst problem because they are not biodegradable, as they do not break down. They are difficult to recycle and cause harmful polution when burned. It is important to use as little plastic as posible. We sould only use plastic that can be recycled or is biodegradable.
             In conclution, recycling is very important.

28.  What is the topic of the text?
a.       The benefits of recycling unused materials.
b.      The down sides of recycling unused materials.
c.       The major materials that can be recycled.
d.      The reasons why we need to be clean
e.       The definition of recycling

29.  From the text we can conclude that......
a.       We should dump rubbish.                         d. We should use durable plastics
b.      We should use decomposhed materials    e. We must not use paper as it is dangerous
c.       We should burn rubbish in dustbins

30.  The following items can be recycled safety, EXCEPT....

a.       Plastics
b.      Paper
c.       Glass
d.      Metal
e.       Alumunium

Text 10. This text is for questions 33 to 35

International Newspaper (IN) August 1st, 2017 a bomb exploded in front of The Singapore Embassy. The accident-shocked Jakarta, Indonesia as well as the whole world.
Not many people were on Jalan ImamBonjol when the bomb exploded. Less than an hour, police and reporters were rushing to the place.
The car of the Ambassador of the Singapore was entering the gate of the Embassy when a bomb suddenly exploded. The front office and the front part of the building fell in. a boy was walking nearby and he was hit to death. On the opposite side of the road a man was standing in front of the garage. The door of the garage was flying because of the heavy blast and the man was hit and became unconscious. The huge building opposite the Embassy, the Office of the Committee of Indonesian National Electorate was damage badly damaged.
Ambulances were carrying six persons who were injured. The porter standing far away opposite the building was killed.
During the investigation several persons were asked by reporters, “What you doing when the bomb exploded?” One person said, “I was passing by. I saw that a red car was standing near the gate of the Embassy, but before I knew what had happened I fainted.”

Another person said, “I was there when the Ambassador was being rushed to the hospital. Many people were crying.” A third person replied, “I was at distance at about three hundred meters away when the bomb exploded. It gave the biggest shock of my life.” In a very short time radio and television were reporting about the accident. The next morning people were guessing for the officials were still collecting information.

31.  The text above tells about ….
a.       The bomb explosion                                       d.Jalan Imam Bonjol
b.      The Philippine’s Embassy                              e. The police and the reporters
c.       Jakarta

32.  The following statements are suitable with the text, EXCEPT.
a.       The front part of the building fell down.
b.      There are six persons injured.
c.       So many people were on JalanImam Bonjol when the bomb exploded.
d.      All windows were scattering.
e.       The reporters asked several persons.

33.  All window glasses were scattering around the place and all office equipment and computers were badly damaged. The underlined word has a similar meaning to ….
a.       Work out                                                        d.Over ripe
b.      Bad                                                                e. Useless
c.       Destroy

Text 11. This text is for questions 36 to 37
Clean Water makes Great Lakes!
The poster illustrates how you can help to protect Lake Ontario, every day, by preventing contaminants from entering the storm drainage system.
  • Stop and scoop pet waste
  • Repair car fluid leaks
  • Use a low-phosphate car soap and a bucket or take your car to the car wash
  • Ensure that fertilizer goes on the lawn and garden and not on the road and sidewalk.
Please remember, when you wash your car in the driveway, or fertilize your lawn, or if your car leaks oil, or you forget to pick up after your pets, these contaminants can be carried by rainwater or snowmelt into the nearest storm drain and eventually into Lake Ontario - the source of Mississauga's drinking water.;jsessionid

34.  What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To explain how can the readers protect lake Ontario.
b.      To give information about lake Ontario.
c.       To stop and scoop pet waste near lake Ontario.                                                           
d.      To repair car fluid leaks near lake Ontario.
e.        To ensure that people don`t throw waste in the garden.

35.  What is th most important message stated in the text?.
a.       The people should stop and scoop pet waste
b.      To stop car fluid leaks that can flow to the lake Ontario
c.       To use a low phosphate car soap so that it is not dangerous.
d.      To ensure that fertolizer goes on the lawn and garden and not on the road.
e.       To keep the lake clean, as it is the source of  drinking water.

Text 12. This text is for questions 38 to 40

Borobudur is a Hindu-Buddhist temple built in the 9th century under the Sailendra dynasty of Java. It is located near Magelang on the island of Java, Indonesia.
Abandoned in the 11th century and partially excavated by archeologist in the early 20th century, Borobudur temple is well known all over the world. Influenced by the Gupta architecture of India, the temple is constructed on a hill 46m (150 ft.) high, and consists of eight step-like stone terraces, on the top of the other. The first five terraces are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief: the upper three are circular, each with a circle of bell-shaped stupas (Buddhist shrines). The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passages and stairways. The design of Borobudur, a temple-mountain symbolizing the structure of the universe, influenced temples built at Angkor, Cambodia.
Borobudur, rededicated as an Indonesian national monument in 1983, is a valuable treasure for Indonesian people.

36.  What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To inform about Borobudur Temple
b.      To tell hystory of Borobudur Temple
c.       To explain about Borobudur temple
d.      To discuss about Borobudur Temple
e.       To Describe about Borobudur Temple

37.  According to the text, this statement is true about Borobudur. EXCEPT...
a.       Borobudur rededicated as an Indonesian national monument.
b.      Borobudur is located near Magelang on th islan of Java
c.       Borobudur abandoned in twelfth century all by archeologist.
d.      Borobudur temple is famous all over the world.
e.       Borobudur influence temple built at Angkor, Cambodia.

38.  What is the synonym of ``Partially`` underlined sentence in pharagraph two?
a. Not wholly
b. Not complete
c. Not important
d. Not found
e. Not built 


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